English Communication Confidence Blog

Speak With The Intention To Be Heard In English

Feb 27, 2022

Once you learn ESL basics, you'll need communication skills in English. Speaking with intention is part of communication confidence and I'm going to tell you more about this in today's post.


Video Transcript

Hey everybody, it's Jill Diamond. How are you? Thank you for coming back for my next video. Today, I want to talk about the intention to be heard. And what is that? If you acquire good diction, you understand melody and rhythm, emphasis, all of the components of what makes a strong speaker. It doesn't mean anything if you don't put your mind on that muscle. And what do I mean, put your mind on your intention to use diction, to use good emphasis or melody. You need to think about communication. There's somebody on the other side and they need to hear you. So if you have the intention to be heard, then all of your skills that you're developing are more likely to appear when you go to communicate. That's my simple tip for today. I want to wish you the best of luck. I thank you so much for watching my channel. Remember to like to share and subscribe and I'll see you again soon. Bye.

Check out these FAQs related to today's post:

Q. What does intention have to do with English Communication Skills?

A. No matter what language we are speaking, a first or second one, being clear about why we are communicating is at the foundation of all effective executive communication. In other words, do your homework, know your subject, know your audience, and choose a purpose for speaking. Once the objectives are set, then you have to think about your intention specifically related to the delivery of spoken English. You can set speaking objectives like: "I want to use clear word emphasis," or "I want the rhythm of the words I speak to sound like American English." You choose what your intention is, but make it specific and focused on only one or two items per speech. 

Q. I already set clear objectives when I speak. I have a good sense of American English speaking tools like intonation and rhythm, too, and I even have an understanding of American culture. I'm struggling to get the respect and attention I'd like from native English speakers. Any suggestions?  

A. That is a tough one because it may not be you! If you speak English as a second language well and you have a good grasp of the delivery of the American Accent, you may be dismissed by native speakers unconsciously. We call it unconscious bias and because everyone in the world has an accent, anyone who doesn't sound like we do, whether it is a first or second language, may be disregarded in some way. Again, instinctively and unconsciously. In my opinion, focus on your intention to be heard when you speak and see if you can learn some rapport-building tricks like using facts, definitions, quotes, and stories when you are communicating.

Q. What if I am an introvert? How do I become more outgoing when speaking in English? 

A. Focus on the message. Focus on the engaged listeners--Who is smiling? Who is looking at you? Who seems to be encouraging you with their presence? Also, think about your passion related to the topic you are speaking on. Not every executive or leader is an extrovert. Listening skills, letting others take center stage, and being a thoughtful thinker are all qualities that are on your side if you consider yourself to be introverted. Once you have your public speaking skills in place, just let your true qualities come through. 

Q. What is the relationship between confidence and intention?

A. Interesting! I like this one. So, when we set distinct goals for each of our communications (i.e. I will speak with volume. Or, I will move the muscles in my face for effective English pronunciation.), we are telling ourselves that we are confident. Right? I mean, if you felt unsure, you'd probably tell yourself negative things like I'm nervous; I hope they understand my English, etc. But, when you feel strong, prepared, and ready-and-able, you leave space to take positive action steps like choosing a communication goal. This will help you succeed in your spoken English. 

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