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American Accent Basics Mini-Course

These six short lessons will take you from zero to hero when it comes to your American accent and English communication skills. Enhance your speech today so that your connection with others is based on the kind of trust and respect you deserve.

Get your free mini-course today.

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Plus, you'll build your speaking skills one assignment at a time until you've polished your speech and begun to shine.

American Accent Basics Mini-Course

These six short lessons will take you from zero to hero when it comes to your American accent and English communication skills. Enhance your speech today so that your connection with others is based on the kind of trust and respect you deserve.

Get your free mini-course today.

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American Accent Basics

So, you’re here because you’ve been thinking about increasing your skills in English for a while.

Is that right?

Well, if you’ve ever felt misunderstood or like you weren’t connecting with others in the English-speaking communities where you circulate, then, you’re on the right page. 

Whether your goal is to become the next CEO of your organization or you wish to lead teams with a sense of security and belonging, your effective communication skills are at the heart of reaching your goals.

It’s time to take the first (or next) step in your learning journey so that you are equipped for the communication challenges that may lay ahead.

There's no more time for excuses because...

Your increased American accent and English communication skills allow your thoughts to be heard.

Your increased American accent and English communication skills give you the confidence you need to apply for the next step up in your career. 

Your increased American accent and English communication skills brings you closer to the American culture and everything it means to you.

Bottom line, understanding English is one thing, but being able to communicate dynamically and expressively in it is another. 

I know because I speak Portuguese as a second language. I feel your frustration and I know what it is like to procrastinate when it comes to making significant improvements in my speech.  

That’s why I want you to take action and begin this free course today. It’s time to reveal the real you – the you who speaks clearly and confidently –

with The American Accent Basics Mini-Course.


I want your free mini-course, Jill. Yes!

Learn the musical components of American English

and let the Diamond Method advance your communication skills.


Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to use thought chunking so you sound more confident in English
  • Which words get more emphasis when we speak so you can help your listeners understand you
  • What syllable stress is so you can apply rhythm to the technical terms you use at work
  • Where to apply shifts in your voice so you engage audiences with melody
  • Why we pay close attention to the vowels so you can shape the sounds and use diction well.
  • When to use reductions, contractions, linking, and the American flap sound so your speech can flow like an American.

Get immediate access to the course when you sign up now.

I want your free mini-course, Jill. Yes!

About Jill

For more than 25 years, Jill Diamond has empowered individuals from outside the United States to compete in the English-speaking marketplace. Her clients include numerous Fortune 100 companies in diverse industries from around the globe and her unique and practical approach guarantees that even the most technical specialists can extend messages that resonate. Jill’s enthusiasm and deep passion for life make her an authentic advisor. Jill has a Master’s Degree in Creative Arts in Education and is a trained singer, songwriter and former actor.

Wait no more!

The American Accent Basics Mini-course is completely free and yours immediately after you sign up!


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Plus, you'll build your speaking skills one assignment at a time until you've polished your speech and begun to shine.